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From the Newsdesk

Liberal Democrat Peer Tim Clement-Jones CBE., becomes an ACID Ambassador

Stalwart Design & IP supporter Tim Clement-Jones CBE., has kindly accepted our invitation to become an ACID Ambassador and we are delighted. Tim has supported ACID and the broader design community on a myriad of IP issues in the House of Lords over many years.

Accepting the role of ACID Ambassador, Lord Clement-Jones CBE., said,
Design rights are a crucial part of our economy and they and our IP creators badly need better protection. So I am delighted to have been invited to be an ACID Ambassador and have enthusiastically accepted!”

ACID CEO Dids Macdonald OBE., said
, “Tim has been an articulate champion on behalf of IP rights creators and is a discerning voice in Westminster on all things IP. Expertly navigating his way through the complexity of IP issues, his enthusiastic advocacy for design and the creative industries consistently ensures our voice resonates within Government. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Tim and to thank him for his tangible support and understanding of the challenges that many SME design innovators face through IP infringement.”

Nick Kounoupias, ACID Chief Counsel and IP Director, said:
“Tim has been an Ambassador for designers for many years without receiving the acknowledgment he deserves. His knowledge of IP law and his willingness to keep learning about difficult areas of design law is a testament to his determination to make himself properly equipped to argue the case for designers in Parliament. I can think of no better advocate for designers and improvements to design law in the public sector. Thank you for everything you have done to date Tim, and we look forward to working with you going forward also.”

Reading Tim’s impressive bio is a journey of achievement over many years and demonstrates very clearly that he is a man whose actions speak louder than words. He has “walked the talk” on so many challenges – politically, in business, on health issues, and in many other areas close to his heart. His full bio is a must-read here.

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