Campaigning for Change

Your Voice Against Design Theft

Over the last 25 years ACID has become the leading UK Design and IP voice on intellectual property issues which affect not only its members but the broader design community. We speak to Government, key influencers & policy makers to ensure that the best possible IP enforcement framework is in place to allow IP creators’ ideas to be monetised to achieve growth.

“I am more determined than ever that designers' voices will be heard. After all, now, even more than ever there will be those who will steal and copy to unlawfully get their share of a valuable and diminishing market share. It cannot happen anymore. I am increasingly describing myself as an IP activist and warrior swimming against the tide. We have to be united”.
Dids Macdonald OBE
Chairman & Co-Founder

Our Campaigning History

Our Campaigning Aims

We present your concerns to government

It takes years to create a brand with a pedigree of creative excellence and a huge investment to develop top quality designs and products to maintain a position as a market leader and innovator. Design leaders need and demand to maintain their market position without being threatened by lookalikes and copies.

Our current focus:

  • Ensure post Brexit, UK designers will not be disadvantaged by losing the benefits of EU Unregistered Design
  • Extend criminal provisions for the intentional infringement of unregistered designs
  • 3D Printing – whilst there are enormous opportunities there are also IP challenges – as the majority of UK designers rely on UDR, currently not a criminal offence, this leaves the door open (potentially) for organised crime.
  • Despite improvements to the IPEC and Small Claims Track, it is cost prohibitive for most micro and SME designers to pursue infringement.

Education & Awareness

To inspire and empower UK designers from all industries to protect their creations from imitation and exploitation, raising awareness of the value of innovative design and how designers can protect their work.


To create a safer trading environment for our members by encouraging respect for intellectual property within corporate social responsibility.


To ensure that the ultimate deterrent of criminal provisions for intentional infringement of an unregistered design becomes a reality, monitoring legislative, political and commercial developments within the IP landscape.

Campaigning News

Read articles on ACID’s Lobbying campaigns and IP legislation

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