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Frequently Asked Questions

Support your IP... Now!

What you need to Protect

Joining the ACID Community to support your IP Assets

Before we talk about your Intellectual Property, let’s talk a little about intellectual capital – it’s a critical asset & the DNA running through most creative businesses and this needs to be identified, valued and protected to achieve growth. It’s about know-how, trade secrets, your techniques – the intangible value of a business covering its people, relationships and its structural capital of which Intellectual property is but one component. 

As a creator, designer or manufacturer, you may find the whole Intellectual Property (IP) subject complex and hard to understand.  This is completely normal!  IP is one of the more complex areas of law and is built on Property Rights.

Intellectual Property is a collective term for property (ownership) rights that arise when something new is created.  So in the same way that you may own, lease, sell, sub-let, rent, or share your home - you don’t want theft or ‘squatting’ of your IP rights. IP is about ownership and permission to use your property i.e., your IP rights 

IP rights are a collection of property rights which cover the creative spectrum and depend on the kind of  product, design or service that has been innovated. IP rights include Patents, Copyright, Registered and Unregistered Design rights, Trade Marks, Trade Secrets and Know How.

Think about everything you have built up under your brand or name – reputation, success, place in the market – these are your intellectual capital assets and they have an intrinsic value to your business.  Whatever you have created, put through research and development, tested, marketed and ultimately rely on to earn an income needs protection from those that ‘skip’ the creative journey and copy the end result.

Over the last 25 years, ACID has become the leading UK Design and IP voice on intellectual property issues which affect not only its members but the broader design community. We speak to Government, key influencers and policy makers to ensure that the best possible IP enforcement framework is in place to allow IP creators’ ideas to be monetised to achieve growth.  We believe that the IP framework - and Design Law in particular - needs to be ‘fit for purpose’ to support all our creators in UK and World markets. All Rights owners should have strong IP Rights to rely on and there should be a level playing field of Rights and IP protection for both 2D and 3D creators.

You can improve your knowledge of intellectual property by looking at our website, subscribing to the ACID Magazine and attending our popular series of business specific webinars.  If you decide to join the ACID Community, you have further access to a Member Only Area filled with help and advice and tools to help you understand what rights you have and how to protect them.

Membership Queries

The main membership benefits can be viewed on our 'Why become an ACID Member' page. More importantly, by joining the ACID Community you are taking a positive step to understand and support your Intellectual Property, learn more about IP Rights and the law and how you can maximise the Rights you do have to achieve growth.

Yes, all memberships can be created online by completing an application form - simple!

ACID has members from all over the world.  We would recommend that if you are based overseas that you look into which benefits will be of value to you before joining.

Our friendly and helpful ACID team are always on hand to guide you through the process, the online application form, payment options and how you access your online profile and benefits once you have joined.  Call the team on +44(0)8456443617

Like any membership organisation, ACID has a set of terms and conditions of membership, and more importantly a joining criteria and a code of conduct which are all online and should be read and understood before completing the application form.  

ACID likes to support all sizes of business from individuals to multi national groups.  We base our subscription on the annual turnover of the individual or company in the previous financial year.  The subscription rates are on a sliding scale depending on the size of your turnover.  With our new online payment system for both one off and monthly payments it is easier than ever to join.

Start up businesses with no turnover history will join in the lowest Category 1 band.  As your business turnover grows you can change bands as necessary.

Yes, we think it is so important that the UK’s new and emerging talents are supported and can learn more about the rights they are creating and how to protect them.

Don’t worry, if you have chosen an annual payment we will remind you!  If you opted for Direct Debit installments the payments will run on without you needing to do anything.  We never cease or cancel a member without contacting them.

We have all done that at some time!  Simply request to reset your password at log in, or contact the Membership team who will help. [email protected] 

Maybe you have only just started designing or you are not sure if you are ready for Full Membership.  Why not sign the ACID IP Charter for free to show your support and declare "I am Anti Copying in Design"? Find out more about becoming an ACID Charter Signatory today.

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