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The ACID Test: Are You IP Savvy?

Step 1 of 12 - Start the Quiz

Take Our Quick IP Quiz

Do you know your copyright from your design right? Can you patent an idea?
Answer a few questions and see how much you know and what you should do about it - no cheating! More than two wrong answers indicate that ACID Membership is advisable for you! Corporate members can benefit from a visit to your premises, presentation on IP rights and a comprehensive report and recommendations (IPSR).

Being IP savvy and creating a proactive strategy automatically means you are deterring copycats with preventative action. Very few lone micro or SME can afford to take legal action if their designs are copied so prevention is better than the cure. If you don’t want to be copied, say so! And there is no better place than on your website, through social media and on any marketing material. We can tell you how!

IP - Protect it or forget it!
Become “IP savvy” & protect your business