Intellectual Property Strategy Review (IPSR)

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Most successful businesses are underpinned by intangible assets – Intellectual Property, or “IP”. In order to identify and maximise this key asset, its monetary value must be identified and then leveraged as a recognisable USP and key driver in mergers, acquisitions and investments. IP must also be valued for the purposes of budget planning to produce costeffective product and brand protection within an ongoing IP strategy, as well as when considering exit strategies following the sale of a business.

What is an Intellectual Property Strategy Review?

An ACID Intellectual Property (IP) Audit is available to corporate ACID members (categories 5-8 inclusive). The IPSR normally involves a visit to your premises (wherever possible) by a lawyer from the team of ACID’s accredited lawyers and sometimes also by a representative of ACID.

The ACID IP Audit provides:

A headline recommendation will be sent following the visit and free IPSR. Should any ACID corporate member wish to implement a full IP Audit together with budget recommendations they will need to negotiate this separately with the accredited law firm involved.

No IP Policy?
We can help plan your strategy