Intellectual Property (IP) Protection – If IP insurance is made available, would you be interested?
To compliment the latest IPO research to assess the value of Intellectual Property in the context of UK Business Growth, ACID has used this opportunity to create its own survey to reach specific areas within the design element of the creative industries, to find out their reactions to the potential of the availability of IP insurance to mitigate the loss caused by intellectual property (IP) infringement.
We are also keen to learn about the extent of design infringement and the costs involved in taking legal action. Ahead of much awaited government designs’ consultation expected in June 2024, we need vital evidence to shine a spotlight on the cost to businesses, both micro and macro as a result of design theft. There are only ten questions, and it will take less than five minutes of your time.
So, please take a moment to complete this short survey and, if you leave your email address, you could win a year’s free ACID membership. The survey will be open until 28th February 2024 and the results will be published together with case study evidence ahead of the Designs Consultation in June 2024.
We really need YOUR voices to help shape policy to meet the needs of the creative and design industry for the future.