Along with Jessica Alexander of the National Bed Federation (NBF) and currently Junior Warden of the Furniture Makers Company, Dids Macdonald OBE., Chairman and Co-Founder of ACID and Past Master of the Furniture Makers’ Company has been awarded the 2024 coveted Lifetime Achievement Award of Interiors Monthly by Editor Andrew Kidd.
Editor Andrew Kidd said, “This Award reflects the considerable work Dids has undertaken done to promote and strengthening the UK’s IP industry for almost three decades, in particular her foundation of ACID and steering it to the central position it has today. And this is not to mention her involvement of the Furniture Makers Company”.
Dids Macdonald said, “Thank you so much for this prestigious award, I am honoured. It’s funny how life has its mysterious shifts and turns. Little did I know that when our own designs were copied so shamelessly over three decades ago, it would lead me on a different career path in life. We have some of the best and most innovative designers in the UK but, sadly, the insidious copycat culture is still a huge challenge impeding growth, costing precious resource to enforce, and causing untold stress. It has been a pleasure to work in this amazing sector for the past three decades.
Both Jess Alexander and I are proud to be Liverymen of the Furniture Makers’ Company promoting excellence, education and welfare. Jess’s exceptional work within the bed sector and her broader interests in best practice within the industry, together with promoting/mentoring more women to succeed as leaders is an example to us all”.
Laura Newbold Breen, ACID CEO, said, “Dids is such an inspiration to us all at ACID. We have so much admiration for all she has achieved and this award is yet another example of her tenacity and dedication. Massive congratulations from the ACID Team!”
Read the list of awardees in Interiors Monthly.